Prepare for a Busy Year of Shoring with Dependable Shoring Equipment

As we continue to get closer to warmer weather and a busy season for shoring companies, you can get a head start on the season by investing in dependable shoring equipment. Whether your equipment has been used for years and needs to be replaced, or you are a new business that is looking for professional equipment to get you started, the shoring equipment from Allen Trench Safety Corp. will give you the dependable hold in the ground that you can count on.

Built for ground-working businesses

Designed for use in the ground, the shoring equipment from Allen Trench can be the perfect tool for plumbers, gas companies, municipalities, or any other business that is working with objects in the earth. Whenever piping needs maintenance or replaced, underground tanks have to be looked at, or any other job that requires workers to be down in a trench, you can provide them the safety that they needs with our hydraulic vertical shores. And, because of the intuitive design, our shoring equipment is ideal for these types of jobs where utilities need to be crossed by the worker.

Great shoring equipment for anyone

Because the shoring equipment from Allen Trench is often the most cost-effective choice for businesses, start-ups and long-standing companies alike can benefit from it. We make sure to keep our prices accessible for businesses so that they can keep workers protected the right way when in the ground. And, thanks to their lightweight and compact design, first-time workers and experienced professionals can both easily manage our hydraulic vertical shores for their purposes.

For over twenty years, Allen Trench Safety Corp. has provided the best safety options to businesses that work in the ground. With a focus on customer satisfaction and quality products, you can contact us to see what we can offer your business before you start to get busy!